Command Line Usage

In addition to the use of wsireg as a library that can be scripted within the python intepreter, wsireg can be fully configured and run using the command line in supplied a YAML configuration file. YAML follows a similar structure to python where spaces and indents below keys (text followed by :) are nested keys and is easily human editable.

After you have completed the YAML configuration you can run registration as shown below. The wsireg2d script is installed as a console script in the python environment.

wsireg2d "path/to/my-reg-file.yaml"

Definition of keys in wsireg configuration YAML

An example YAML configuration file with comments explaining each key is below the explanatory text.

There are three top “project” level keys in the YAML configuration file.

  1. project_name: A short text string defining the project name that is prepended to all output files. (REQUIRED)

  2. output_dir: A text string to a directory where outputs will be saved. (REQUIRED)

  3. cache_images: Whether or not to save intermediate pre-processed registration images. (OPTIONAL)

Beyond project definition, the first required key is the modalities: top-level key which starts the definition of the registration images.Below the modalities key and indented or spaced are the definition of the modality names. The name is given in the key itself as shown in the snippet below.

        image_filepath: fluo_im.tiff
        image_res: 0.325
        image_filepath: fluo_im2.tiff
        image_res: 0.325

Please see example below for cues on different settings within the modality for preprocessing.

Second, there is the reg_paths key. Following this key, we define, with uniquely named sub-keys that give direction to the registrations in the graphs, i.e. register image 1 to image 2, register image 3 to image 1 but through image 2, etc. In the full example at the end of this document reg_path_0 and reg_path_1 are used to define two registration paths, but these keys only require a unique name.

    src_modality_name: fluo_image
    tgt_modality_name: fluo_image2
    thru_modality: null
        - rigid
        - affine
    src_modality_name: fluo_image3
    thru_modality: fluo_image
    tgt_modality_name: fluo_image2
        - rigid
        - affine

Complete YAML example

This is a complete example from a real project aligning three WSIs. It incorporates registration paths where im2 -> im1 and im3 -> im2 -> im1.

# determines the file names for your project
# i.e. apl-demo-postAF-registered.ome.tiff
project_name: apl-demo
# where you want outputs to go
output_dir: D:/temp
# whether to save preprocessed data currently on disk
cache_images: true
# top level for all images to be included in registration
  # top level key is the NAME that will be used in output files
    # absolute path to the image
    image_filepath: C:/Users/pattenh1/Dropbox (VU Basic Sciences)/APOLLO/demo/apl-test-wpad.ome.tiff
    # image resolution (i.e., pixel spacing):
    image_res: 0.65
    # list of names, must match length of channels
    # otherwise will become C1, C2, etc.
    # no channel names for RGB images
        - postIMS eGFP
        - postIMS Brightfield
    # preprocessing settings
      # fluorescence image type (options: FL, BF)
      image_type: FL
      # enhance contrast automatically (options: true, false)
      contrast_enhance: true
      # change data type to consume less memory (options: true, false, recommended!)
      as_uint8: true
      # which channels to load in for reg
      ch_indices: 0 # (options: null, single integer, or integer list, if null, max intensity project is performed)
      # multiple channels:
      # - 0
      # - 1

    image_filepath: C:/Users/pattenh1/Dropbox (VU Basic Sciences)/APOLLO/demo/microscopy/P1-D3-treatment_lipids.czi
    image_res: 0.65
        - DAPI autofluorescence
        - eGFP autofluorescence
        - DsRed autofluorescence
      image_type: FL
      contrast_enhance: true
      as_uint8: true
      ch_indices: 1

    image_filepath: C:/Users/pattenh1/Dropbox (VU Basic Sciences)/APOLLO/demo/microscopy/LT3_2021-08-17 16_25_03.scn
    image_res: 0.5
      image_type: BF
      as_uint8: true
      # rotate the image X degrees counter clockwise
      rot_cc: -90 # (options: any number, if negative, rotates clockwise)
      # flip image example
      # flip: h # (options: h,v for horizontal or vertical coordinate flips)

# top level key for what registrations should be performed
  # first alignment
    # image that will be transformed
    src_modality_name: preAF
    # image that wwill be aligned to
    tgt_modality_name: postAF
    # whether image should be piped through another modality
    thru_modality: null
    # what transformation models to use
    # options: rigid, affine, similarity, nl, nl_mid
    # nl is non-rigid transformations recommended for serial sections!
        - rigid
        - affine
    src_modality_name: PAS
    thru_modality: preAF
    tgt_modality_name: postAF
        - rigid
        - affine