Source code for wsireg.wsireg2d

import json
import tempfile
import time
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn
import shutil

import numpy as np
import yaml

from wsireg.parameter_maps.preprocessing import ImagePreproParams
from wsireg.parameter_maps.reg_model import RegModel
from wsireg.reg_images import MergeRegImage
from wsireg.reg_images.reg_image import RegImage

from wsireg.reg_images.loader import reg_image_loader
from wsireg.reg_shapes import RegShapes
from wsireg.reg_transforms import RegTransform
from wsireg.reg_transforms import RegTransformSeq
from wsireg.utils.config_utils import parse_check_reg_config
from wsireg.utils.im_utils import ARRAYLIKE_CLASSES
from wsireg.utils.output_utils import (
from wsireg.utils.reg_utils import (
from wsireg.utils.shape_utils import invert_nonrigid_transforms
from wsireg.utils.tform_utils import identity_elx_transform
from wsireg.writers.merge_ome_tiff_writer import MergeOmeTiffWriter
from wsireg.writers.ome_tiff_writer import OmeTiffWriter
from wsireg.writers.tiled_ome_tiff_writer import OmeTiffTiledWriter

[docs] class WsiReg2D(object): """ Class to define a 2D registration graph and execute the registrations and transformations of the graph Parameters ---------- project_name: str Project name will prefix all output files and directories output_dir: str Directory where registration data will be stored cache_images: bool whether to store images as they are preprocessed for registration (if you need to repeat or modify settings this will avoid image io and preprocessing) config: str or Path path to a 2D wsireg YAML configuration Attributes ---------- project_name: str Global project name, will be appended to all output files and folders output_dir: Path Directory where registration data will be stored image_cache: Path Directory where images are cached after preprocessing modalities: dict dictionary of modality information (file path, spatial res., preprocessing), defines a graph node modalities: list list of all modality names n_modalities: int number of modalities (nodes) in the graphs reg_paths: dict dictionary of a modalities path from node to node reg_graph_edges: dict generated dictionary of necessary registrations to move modalities to their target modality n_registrations: int number of explicit registrations (edges) in the graphs transformation_paths: dict generated dictionary of necessary source - target transformations to transform modalities to their target modality transformations: dict per modality dictionary containing transformation parameters for each registration attachment_images: dict images to be transformed along the path of the defined graph, assoicated to a given modality (masks, other registered images) attachment_shapes: dict shape data attached to a modality to be transformed along the graph registration_iter_data: Dict[str,Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]]] elastix data for each iteration in the registration sorted by transformation model and resolution registration_tform_data: Dict[str, Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, str]]]] elastix transform data for each resolution sorted by transformation model and resolution """ def __init__( self, project_name: Optional[str] = None, output_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, cache_images: bool = True, config: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ): self.project_name: Optional[str] = None self.output_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None self.image_cache: Optional[Path] = None self.setup_project_output(project_name, output_dir) self.cache_images = cache_images self.pairwise = False self._modalities = dict() self._modality_names = [] self._reg_paths = dict() self._reg_graph_edges = [] self._transform_paths = dict() self._transformations = None self._preprocessed_image_sizes: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = dict() self._preprocessed_image_spacings: Dict[ str, Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]] ] = dict() self._transformed_shapes_spacings: Dict[ str, Tuple[float, float] ] = dict() self.n_modalities: Optional[int] = None self.n_registrations: Optional[int] = None self.attachment_images = dict() self._shape_sets = dict() self._shape_set_names = [] self.merge_modalities = dict() self.original_size_transforms = dict() self.registration_iter_data: Dict[ str, Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]] ] = dict() self.registration_tform_data: Dict[ str, Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[str, str]]] ] = dict() if config: self.add_data_from_config(config)
[docs] def setup_project_output( self, project_name: Optional[str] = None, output_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> None: """ Set up the project directory and image cache. Parameters ---------- project_name: str Project name will prefix all output files and directories output_dir: str Directory where registration data will be stored """ if project_name is None: self.project_name = 'RegProj' else: self.project_name = project_name if output_dir is None: output_dir = "./" self.output_dir = Path(output_dir) self.image_cache = self.output_dir / ".imcache_{}".format(project_name)
@property def modalities(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Image modality information stored as a dictionary where keys are images and values are all image modality related information.""" return self._modalities @modalities.setter def modalities(self, modality): self._modalities.update(modality) self.n_modalities = len(self._modalities) @property def shape_sets(self): """Shape data stored as a dictionary where keys are shape sets and values are all shape related information.""" return self._shape_sets @shape_sets.setter def shape_sets(self, shape_set): self._shape_sets.update(shape_set) @property def shape_set_names(self) -> List[str]: """Name of all shape sets""" return self._shape_set_names @shape_set_names.setter def shape_set_names(self, shape_set_name): self._shape_set_names.append(shape_set_name) @property def modality_names(self) -> List[str]: """List of all the modality names.""" return self._modality_names @modality_names.setter def modality_names(self, modality_name): self._modality_names.append(modality_name)
[docs] def add_modality( self, modality_name: str, image_fp: Union[Path, str, np.ndarray], image_res: Union[int, float] = 1, channel_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, channel_colors: Optional[List[str]] = None, preprocessing: Optional[ Union[ImagePreproParams, Dict[str, Any]] ] = None, mask: Optional[Union[str, Path, np.ndarray]] = None, prepro_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, output_res: Optional[ Union[int, float, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[float, float]] ] = None, ) -> None: """ Add an image modality (node) to the registration graph Parameters ---------- modality_name : str Unique name identifier for the modality image_fp : str file path to the image to be read image_res : float spatial resolution of image in units per px (i.e. 0.9 um / px) channel_names: List[str] names for the channels to go into the OME-TIFF channel_colors: List[str] channels colors for OME-TIFF (not implemented) mask: Union[str, Path, np.ndarray] path to binary mask (>0 is in) image for registration and/or cropping or a geoJSON with shapes that will be processed to a binary mask preprocessing: ImagePreproParams preprocessing parameters for the modality for registration. Registration images should be a xy single plane so many modalities (multi-channel, RGB) must "create" a single channel. Defaults: multi-channel images -> max intensity project image RGB -> greyscale then intensity inversion (black background, white foreground) output_res : Union[Tuple[int,int], Tuple[float,float]] change output spacing/resolution when resampling images, default will be the spacing of the final target image prepro_dict: dict deprecated version kept temporarily """ if modality_name in self._modality_names: raise ValueError( 'modality named \"{}\" is already in modality_names'.format( modality_name ) ) if prepro_dict: preprocessing = prepro_dict DeprecationWarning( "'prepro_dict' argument is deprepcated and will be removed\ in a future release, use 'preprocessing' instead" ) if preprocessing: if isinstance(preprocessing, dict): image_prepro = ImagePreproParams(**preprocessing) else: image_prepro = preprocessing else: image_prepro = ImagePreproParams() if isinstance(output_res, (int, float)): output_res = (output_res, output_res) self.modalities = { modality_name: { "image_filepath": image_fp, "image_res": image_res, "channel_names": channel_names, "channel_colors": channel_colors, "preprocessing": image_prepro, "mask": mask, "output_res": output_res, } } self.modality_names = modality_name
[docs] def add_shape_set( self, attachment_modality: str, shape_set_name: str, shape_files: List[Union[str, Path]], image_res: Union[int, float], ) -> None: """ Add a shape set to the graph Parameters ---------- attachment_modality : str image modality to which the shapes are attached shape_set_name : str Unique name identifier for the shape set shape_files : list of file paths list of shape data in geoJSON format or list of dicts containing following keys: "array" = np.ndarray of xy coordinates, "shape_type" = geojson shape type (Polygon, MultiPolygon, etc.), "shape_name" = class of the shape("tumor","normal",etc.) image_res : float spatial resolution of shape data's associated image in units per px (i.e. 0.9 um / px) """ if shape_set_name in self._shape_set_names: raise ValueError( 'shape named \"{}\" is already in shape_set_names'.format( shape_set_name ) ) self.shape_sets = { shape_set_name: { "shape_files": shape_files, "image_res": image_res, "attachment_modality": attachment_modality, } } self.shape_set_names = shape_set_name
[docs] def add_attachment_images( self, attachment_modality: str, modality_name: str, image_fp: Union[str, Path], image_res: Union[int, float] = 1, channel_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, channel_colors: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Images which are unregistered between modalities, but are transformed following the path of one of the graph's modalities. Parameters ---------- attachment_modality : str image modality to which the new image are attached modality_name : str name of the added attachment image image_fp : str path to the attachment modality, it will be imported and transformed without preprocessing image_res : float spatial resolution of attachment image data's in units per px (i.e. 0.9 um / px) channel_names: List[str] names for the channels to go into the OME-TIFF channel_colors: List[str] channels colors for OME-TIFF (not implemented) """ if attachment_modality not in self.modality_names: raise ValueError( 'attachment modality named \"{}\" not found in modality_names'.format( attachment_modality ) ) self.add_modality( modality_name, image_fp, image_res, channel_names=channel_names, channel_colors=channel_colors, ) self.attachment_images[modality_name] = attachment_modality
[docs] def add_attachment_shapes( self, attachment_modality: str, shape_set_name: str, shape_files: List[Union[str, Path]], ) -> None: """ Add attached shapes Parameters ---------- attachment_modality : str image modality to which the shapes are attached shape_set_name : str Unique name identifier for the shape set shape_files : list of file paths list of shape data in geoJSON format or list of dicts containing following keys: "array" = np.ndarray of xy coordinates, "shape_type" = geojson shape type (Polygon, MultiPolygon, etc.), "shape_name" = class of the shape("tumor","normal",etc.) """ if attachment_modality not in self.modality_names: raise ValueError( 'attachment modality \"{}\" for shapes \"{}\" not found in modality_names {}'.format( attachment_modality, shape_set_name, self.modality_names ) ) image_res = self.modalities[attachment_modality]["image_res"] self.add_shape_set( attachment_modality, shape_set_name, shape_files, image_res )
@property def reg_paths(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Dictionary of paths between modalities by modality name. Keys are modality name and the values are a list of modalities it passes through. """ return self._reg_paths @reg_paths.setter def reg_paths(self, path_values): ( src_modality, tgt_modality, thru_modality, reg_params, override_prepro, ) = path_values if thru_modality != tgt_modality: self._reg_paths.update( {src_modality: [thru_modality, tgt_modality]} ) else: self._reg_paths.update({src_modality: [tgt_modality]}) if override_prepro: if override_prepro.get("source"): source_override = ImagePreproParams( **override_prepro.get("source") ) else: source_override = None if override_prepro.get("target"): target_override = ImagePreproParams( **override_prepro.get("target") ) else: target_override = None else: source_override = None target_override = None self.reg_graph_edges = { 'modalities': {'source': src_modality, 'target': thru_modality}, 'params': reg_params, "source_override": source_override, "target_override": target_override, } self.transform_paths = self._reg_paths
[docs] def add_reg_path( self, src_modality_name: str, tgt_modality_name: str, thru_modality: Optional[str] = None, reg_params: Union[str, RegModel, List[str], List[RegModel]] = [ "rigid" ], override_prepro: dict = {"source": None, "target": None}, ): """ Add registration path between modalities as well as a thru modality that describes where to attach edges. Parameters ---------- src_modality_name : str modality that has been added to graph to be transformed to tgt_modality tgt_modality_name : str modality that has been added to graph that is being aligned to thru_modality: str modality that has been added to graph by which another should be run through reg_params: list of RegModel/str or str Elastix registration parameters, from RegModel or as a string corresponding to one of the parameter maps enumerated in wsireg.parameter_maps.reg_params.RegModel override_prepro: dict set specific preprocessing for a given registration edge for the source or target image that will override the set modality preprocessing FOR THIS REGISTRATION ONLY. """ if src_modality_name not in self.modality_names: raise ValueError("source modality not found!") if tgt_modality_name not in self.modality_names: raise ValueError("target modality not found!") if thru_modality is None: self.reg_paths = ( src_modality_name, tgt_modality_name, tgt_modality_name, reg_params, override_prepro, ) else: self.reg_paths = ( src_modality_name, tgt_modality_name, thru_modality, reg_params, override_prepro, )
@property def reg_graph_edges(self): return self._reg_graph_edges @reg_graph_edges.setter def reg_graph_edges(self, edge): self._reg_graph_edges.append(edge) self.n_registrations = len(self._reg_graph_edges) @property def transform_paths(self): return self._transform_paths @transform_paths.setter def transform_paths(self, reg_paths): transform_path_dict = {} for k, v in reg_paths.items(): tform_path = self.find_path(k, v[-1]) if self.pairwise is True: tform_path_modalities = tform_path[:1] else: tform_path_modalities = tform_path transform_edges = [] for modality in tform_path_modalities: for edge in self.reg_graph_edges: edge_modality = edge["modalities"]['source'] if modality == edge_modality: transform_edges.append(edge["modalities"]) transform_path_dict.update({k: transform_edges}) self._transform_paths = transform_path_dict
[docs] def find_path( self, start_modality: str, end_modality: str, path: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Optional[List[str]]: """ Find a path from start_modality to end_modality in the graph """ if path is None: path = [] path = path + [start_modality] if start_modality == end_modality: return path if start_modality not in self.reg_paths: return None for modality in self.reg_paths[start_modality]: if modality not in path: extended_path = self.find_path(modality, end_modality, path) if extended_path: return extended_path return None
def _find_nonreg_modalities(self) -> None: registered_modalities = [ edge.get("modalities").get("source") for edge in self.reg_graph_edges ] non_reg_modalities = list( set(self.modality_names).difference(registered_modalities) ) # remove attachment modalities for attachment_modality in self.attachment_images.keys(): non_reg_modalities.pop( non_reg_modalities.index(attachment_modality) ) return non_reg_modalities
[docs] def save_config( self, output_file_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, registered: bool = False, ) -> str: ts = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') status = "registered" if registered is True else "setup" reg_paths = {} for idx, edge in enumerate(self.reg_graph_edges): src_modality = edge.get("modalities").get("source") if len(self.reg_paths[src_modality]) > 1: thru_modality = self.reg_paths[src_modality][0] else: thru_modality = None tgt_modality = self.reg_paths[src_modality][-1] reg_paths.update( { f"reg_path_{idx}": { "src_modality_name": edge.get("modalities").get( "source" ), "tgt_modality_name": tgt_modality, "thru_modality": thru_modality, "reg_params": edge.get("params"), } } ) reg_graph_edges = deepcopy(self.reg_graph_edges) [rge.pop("transforms", None) for rge in reg_graph_edges] modalities_out = deepcopy(self.modalities) for mod, data in modalities_out.items(): if isinstance(data["image_filepath"], ARRAYLIKE_CLASSES): data["image_filepath"] = "ArrayLike" if isinstance(data["preprocessing"], ImagePreproParams): data["preprocessing"] = deepcopy(data["preprocessing"]).dict( exclude_none=True, exclude_defaults=True ) config = { "project_name": self.project_name, "output_dir": str(self.output_dir), "cache_images": self.cache_images, "modalities": modalities_out, "reg_paths": reg_paths, "reg_graph_edges": reg_graph_edges if status == "registered" else None, "original_size_transforms": self.original_size_transforms if status == "registered" else None, "attachment_shapes": self.shape_sets if len(self._shape_sets) > 0 else None, "attachment_images": self.attachment_images if len(self.attachment_images) > 0 else None, "merge_modalities": self.merge_modalities, } if not output_file_path: output_file_path = ( self.output_dir / f"{ts}-{self.project_name}-configuration-{status}.yaml" ) with open(str(output_file_path), "w") as f: yaml.dump(config, f, sort_keys=False) return str(output_file_path)
[docs] def register_images(self, parallel=False): """ Start image registration process for all modalities Parameters ---------- parallel : bool whether to run each edge in parallel (not implemented yet) """ if self.cache_images is True: self.image_cache.mkdir(parents=False, exist_ok=True) self.save_config(registered=False) for reg_edge in self.reg_graph_edges: if ( reg_edge.get("registered") is None or reg_edge.get("registered") is False ): src_name = reg_edge["modalities"]["source"] tgt_name = reg_edge["modalities"]["target"] src_mod_data = self.modalities[src_name].copy() tgt_mod_data = self.modalities[tgt_name].copy() src_reg_image = reg_image_loader( src_mod_data["image_filepath"], src_mod_data["image_res"], preprocessing=src_mod_data["preprocessing"], mask=src_mod_data["mask"], ) tgt_reg_image = reg_image_loader( tgt_mod_data["image_filepath"], tgt_mod_data["image_res"], preprocessing=tgt_mod_data["preprocessing"], mask=tgt_mod_data["mask"], ) src_override_prepro = reg_edge.get("source_override") tgt_override_prepro = reg_edge.get("target_override") src_cached = src_reg_image.check_cache_preprocessing( self.image_cache, src_name ) tgt_cached = src_reg_image.check_cache_preprocessing( self.image_cache, tgt_name ) if not src_cached and not src_override_prepro: src_reg_image.read_reg_image() if self.cache_images: src_reg_image.cache_image_data( self.image_cache, src_name, check=False ) elif src_override_prepro: if src_override_prepro: src_reg_image._preprocessing = src_override_prepro src_reg_image.read_reg_image() if self.cache_images: src_reg_image.cache_image_data( self.image_cache, f"{src_name}-{tgt_name}-override", check=False, ) else: src_reg_image.load_from_cache(self.image_cache, src_name) if not tgt_cached and not tgt_override_prepro: tgt_reg_image.read_reg_image() if self.cache_images: tgt_reg_image.cache_image_data( self.image_cache, tgt_name, check=False ) elif tgt_override_prepro: if tgt_override_prepro: tgt_reg_image._preprocessing = tgt_override_prepro tgt_reg_image.read_reg_image() if self.cache_images: src_reg_image.cache_image_data( self.image_cache, f"{tgt_name}-{src_name}-override", check=False, ) else: tgt_reg_image.load_from_cache(self.image_cache, tgt_name) self._preprocessed_image_spacings.update( {src_name: src_reg_image.reg_image.GetSpacing()} ) self._preprocessed_image_spacings.update( {tgt_name: tgt_reg_image.reg_image.GetSpacing()} ) self._preprocessed_image_sizes.update( {src_name: src_reg_image.reg_image.GetSize()} ) self._preprocessed_image_sizes.update( {tgt_name: tgt_reg_image.reg_image.GetSize()} ) reg_params = reg_edge["params"] output_path = ( self.output_dir / "{}-{}_to_{}_reg_output".format( self.project_name, reg_edge["modalities"]["source"], reg_edge["modalities"]["target"], ) ) output_path.mkdir(parents=False, exist_ok=True) reg_params_prepared = _prepare_reg_models(reg_params) reg_tforms = register_2d_images_itkelx( src_reg_image, tgt_reg_image, reg_params_prepared, output_path, ) reg_tforms = [sitk_pmap_to_dict(tf) for tf in reg_tforms] initial_transforms = src_reg_image.pre_reg_transforms if initial_transforms: initial_transforms_rt = [ RegTransform(t) for t in initial_transforms ] initial_transforms_idx = [ idx for idx, _ in enumerate(initial_transforms_rt) ] initial_rt_seq = RegTransformSeq( initial_transforms_rt, initial_transforms_idx ) reg_tforms_rt = [RegTransform(t) for t in reg_tforms] reg_tforms_idx = [0 for _ in reg_tforms_rt] reg_rt_seq = RegTransformSeq(reg_tforms_rt, reg_tforms_idx) reg_edge["transforms"] = { 'initial': initial_rt_seq if initial_transforms else None, 'registration': reg_rt_seq, } self.original_size_transforms.update( {tgt_name: tgt_reg_image.original_size_transform} ) reg_edge["registered"] = True data_key = f'{reg_edge["modalities"]["source"]}_to_{reg_edge["modalities"]["target"]}' all_transform_data = read_elastix_transform_dir(output_path) all_iteration_data = read_elastix_iteration_dir(output_path) write_iteration_plots( all_iteration_data, data_key, output_path ) self.registration_iter_data.update( {data_key: all_iteration_data} ) self.registration_tform_data.update( {data_key: all_transform_data} ) self.transformations = self.reg_graph_edges
@property def transformations(self): return self._transformations @transformations.setter def transformations(self, reg_graph_edges): self._transformations = self._collate_transformations()
[docs] def add_merge_modalities(self, merge_name, modalities): for modality in modalities: try: self.modalities[modality] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Modality for merger [{modality}] is not a modality " f"within the graph, current modalitles : " f"{self.modality_names}" ) self.merge_modalities.update({merge_name: modalities})
def _generate_reg_transforms(self): self._reg_graph_edges["reg_transforms"] def _collate_transformations(self): transforms = dict() edge_modality_pairs = [v['modalities'] for v in self.reg_graph_edges] for modality, tform_edges in self.transform_paths.items(): full_tform_seq = RegTransformSeq() for idx, tform_edge in enumerate(tform_edges): reg_edge_tforms = self.reg_graph_edges[ edge_modality_pairs.index(tform_edge) ]["transforms"] if idx == 0: transforms[modality] = { f"initial-{tform_edges[idx]['source']}": reg_edge_tforms[ 'initial' ], f"{str(idx).zfill(3)}-to-{tform_edges[idx]['target']}": reg_edge_tforms[ 'registration' ], } if reg_edge_tforms['initial']: full_tform_seq.append(reg_edge_tforms['initial']) full_tform_seq.append(reg_edge_tforms['registration']) else: transforms[modality][ f"{str(idx).zfill(3)}-to-{tform_edges[idx]['target']}" ] = reg_edge_tforms['registration'] full_tform_seq.append(reg_edge_tforms['registration']) transforms[modality]["full-transform-seq"] = full_tform_seq return transforms def _prepare_nonreg_image_transform( self, modality_key, attachment=False, attachment_modality=None, to_original_size=True, ): print( "preparing transforms for non-registered modality : {} ".format( modality_key ) ) output_path = self.output_dir / "{}-{}_registered".format( self.project_name, modality_key ) if attachment: im_data_key = copy(modality_key) modality_key = attachment_modality transformations = None im_data = self.modalities[modality_key] if ( im_data["preprocessing"].rot_cc != 0 or im_data["preprocessing"].flip or im_data["preprocessing"].crop_to_mask_bbox or im_data["preprocessing"].mask_bbox ): im_initial_transforms = RegImage.load_orignal_size_transform( self.image_cache, modality_key ) if any(im_initial_transforms): transformations = RegTransformSeq( [RegTransform(t) for t in im_initial_transforms[0]], transform_seq_idx=[ idx for idx in range(len(im_initial_transforms)) ], ) if to_original_size and self.original_size_transforms[modality_key]: o_size_tform = self.original_size_transforms[modality_key] if isinstance(o_size_tform, list): o_size_tform = o_size_tform[0] orig_size_rt = RegTransformSeq( RegTransform(o_size_tform), transform_seq_idx=[0], ) if transformations: transformations.append(orig_size_rt) else: transformations = orig_size_rt if im_data["preprocessing"].downsampling > 1 and transformations: if not im_data["output_res"]: output_spacing_target = im_data["image_res"] transformations.set_output_spacing( (output_spacing_target, output_spacing_target) ) else: transformations.set_output_spacing(im_data["output_res"]) elif im_data["preprocessing"].downsampling > 1 and not transformations: transformations = RegTransformSeq( [ RegTransform( identity_elx_transform( self._preprocessed_image_sizes[modality_key], self._preprocessed_image_spacings[modality_key], ) ) ], transform_seq_idx=[0], ) if not im_data["output_res"]: output_spacing_target = im_data["image_res"] transformations.set_output_spacing( (output_spacing_target, output_spacing_target) ) else: transformations.set_output_spacing(im_data["output_res"]) if attachment: im_data = self.modalities[im_data_key] return im_data, transformations, output_path def _prepare_reg_image_transform( self, edge_key, attachment=False, attachment_modality=None, to_original_size=True, ): if attachment: final_modality = self.reg_paths[attachment_modality][-1] transformations = copy( self.transformations[attachment_modality]["full-transform-seq"] ) else: final_modality = self.reg_paths[edge_key][-1] transformations = copy( self.transformations[edge_key]["full-transform-seq"] ) output_path = self.output_dir / "{}-{}_to_{}_registered".format( self.project_name, edge_key, final_modality, ) if attachment: im_data_key = copy(edge_key) edge_key = attachment_modality im_data = self.modalities[edge_key] if ( self.original_size_transforms.get(final_modality) and to_original_size ): print("adding transform to original size") original_size_transform = self.original_size_transforms[ final_modality ] if isinstance(original_size_transform, list): original_size_transform = original_size_transform[0] orig_size_rt = RegTransformSeq( RegTransform(original_size_transform), transform_seq_idx=[0] ) transformations.append(orig_size_rt) if im_data["preprocessing"].downsampling > 1: if not im_data["output_res"]: output_spacing_target = self.modalities[final_modality][ "image_res" ] transformations.set_output_spacing( (output_spacing_target, output_spacing_target) ) else: transformations.set_output_spacing(im_data["output_res"]) elif im_data["output_res"]: transformations.set_output_spacing(im_data["output_res"]) if attachment: im_data = self.modalities[im_data_key] return im_data, transformations, output_path def _transform_write_image( self, im_data, transformations, output_path, file_writer="ome.tiff" ): tfregimage = reg_image_loader( im_data["image_filepath"], im_data["image_res"], channel_names=im_data.get("channel_names"), channel_colors=im_data.get("channel_colors"), ) ometiffwriter = OmeTiffWriter( tfregimage, reg_transform_seq=transformations ) if ( file_writer == "ome.tiff-bytile" and ometiffwriter.reg_image.reader not in ["czi", "sitk"] ): ometiffwriter = OmeTiffTiledWriter( tfregimage, reg_transform_seq=transformations ) im_fp = ometiffwriter.write_image_by_tile( output_path.stem, output_dir=str(self.output_dir), ) else: im_fp = ometiffwriter.write_image_by_plane( output_path.stem, output_dir=str(self.output_dir), ) return im_fp def _transform_write_merge_images(self, to_original_size=True): def determine_attachment(sub_image): if sub_image in self.attachment_images.keys(): attachment_modality = self.attachment_images[sub_image] attachment = True else: attachment_modality = None attachment = False return attachment, attachment_modality for merge_name, sub_images in self.merge_modalities.items(): im_fps = [] im_res = [] im_ch_names = [] transformations = [] non_reg_modalities = self._find_nonreg_modalities() for sub_image in sub_images: attachment, attachment_modality = determine_attachment( sub_image ) im_data = self.modalities[sub_image] im_fps.append(im_data["image_filepath"]) im_res.append(im_data["image_res"]) im_ch_names.append(im_data.get("channel_names")) if ( sub_image not in non_reg_modalities and attachment_modality not in non_reg_modalities ): ( _, sub_im_transforms, _, ) = self._prepare_reg_image_transform( sub_image, attachment=attachment, attachment_modality=attachment_modality, to_original_size=to_original_size, ) else: ( _, sub_im_transforms, _, ) = self._prepare_nonreg_image_transform( sub_image, attachment=attachment, attachment_modality=attachment_modality, to_original_size=to_original_size, ) transformations.append(sub_im_transforms) output_path = self.output_dir / "{}-{}_merged-registered".format( self.project_name, merge_name, ) merge_regimage = MergeRegImage( im_fps, im_res, channel_names=im_ch_names, ) merge_ometiffwriter = MergeOmeTiffWriter( merge_regimage, reg_transform_seqs=transformations ) im_fp = merge_ometiffwriter.merge_write_image_by_plane( output_path.stem, sub_images, output_dir=str(self.output_dir), ) return im_fp
[docs] def transform_images( self, file_writer="ome.tiff", transform_non_reg=True, remove_merged=True, to_original_size=True, ): """ Transform and write images to disk after registration. Also transforms all attachment images Parameters ---------- file_writer : str output type to use, sitk writes a single resolution tiff, "zarr" writes an ome-zarr multiscale zarr store transform_non_reg : bool whether to write the images that aren't transformed during registration as well remove_merged: bool whether to remove images that are stored in merged store, if True, images that are merged will not be written as individual images as well to_original_size: bool write images that have been cropped for registration back to their original coordinate space """ image_fps = [] if all( [reg_edge.get("registered") for reg_edge in self.reg_graph_edges] ): # prepare workflow merge_modalities = [] if len(self.merge_modalities.keys()) > 0: for k, v in self.merge_modalities.items(): merge_modalities.extend(v) reg_path_keys = list(self.reg_paths.keys()) nonreg_keys = self._find_nonreg_modalities() if remove_merged: for merge_mod in merge_modalities: try: m_idx = reg_path_keys.index(merge_mod) reg_path_keys.pop(m_idx) except ValueError: pass try: m_idx = nonreg_keys.index(merge_mod) nonreg_keys.pop(m_idx) except ValueError: pass for modality in reg_path_keys: ( im_data, transformations, output_path, ) = self._prepare_reg_image_transform( modality, attachment=False, to_original_size=to_original_size, ) im_fp = self._transform_write_image( im_data, transformations, output_path, file_writer=file_writer, ) image_fps.append(im_fp) for ( modality, attachment_modality, ) in self.attachment_images.items(): if modality in merge_modalities and remove_merged: continue if attachment_modality in self._find_nonreg_modalities(): ( im_data, transformations, output_path, ) = self._prepare_nonreg_image_transform( modality, attachment=True, attachment_modality=attachment_modality, to_original_size=to_original_size, ) else: ( im_data, transformations, output_path, ) = self._prepare_reg_image_transform( modality, attachment=True, attachment_modality=attachment_modality, to_original_size=to_original_size, ) im_fp = self._transform_write_image( im_data, transformations, output_path, file_writer=file_writer, ) image_fps.append(im_fp) if len(self.merge_modalities.items()) > 0: im_fp = self._transform_write_merge_images( to_original_size=to_original_size ) image_fps.append(im_fp) if transform_non_reg: # preprocess and save unregistered nodes for modality in nonreg_keys: if modality in merge_modalities and remove_merged: continue ( im_data, transformations, output_path, ) = self._prepare_nonreg_image_transform( modality, to_original_size=to_original_size, ) im_fp = self._transform_write_image( im_data, transformations, output_path, file_writer=file_writer, ) image_fps.append(im_fp) return image_fps
[docs] def transform_shapes(self): """ Transform all attached shapes and write out shape data to geoJSON. """ transformed_shapes_fps = [] # do inversion before any processing to ensure it is not computed twice for set_name, set_data in self.shape_sets.items(): attachment_modality = set_data["attachment_modality"] if attachment_modality in self.transformations.keys(): invert_nonrigid_transforms( self.transformations[attachment_modality][ "full-transform-seq" ].reg_transforms_itk_order ) else: continue for set_name, set_data in self.shape_sets.items(): attachment_modality = set_data["attachment_modality"] rs = RegShapes( set_data["shape_files"], source_res=set_data["image_res"] ) if attachment_modality in self.transformations.keys(): im_data = self.modalities[attachment_modality] final_modality = self.reg_paths[attachment_modality][-1] print( "transforming shape set {} associated with {} to {}".format( set_name, attachment_modality, final_modality ) ) transformations = copy( self.transformations[attachment_modality][ "full-transform-seq" ] ) if im_data.get("output_res"): transformations.set_output_spacing(im_data["output_res"]) else: output_spacing_target = self.modalities[final_modality][ "image_res" ] transformations.set_output_spacing( (output_spacing_target, output_spacing_target) ) self._transformed_shapes_spacings.update( {set_name: (output_spacing_target, output_spacing_target)} ) rs.transform_shapes(transformations) output_path = ( self.output_dir / "{}-{}-{}_to_{}-transformed_shapes.geojson".format( self.project_name, set_name, attachment_modality, final_modality, ) ) rs.save_shape_data(output_path, transformed=True) transformed_shapes_fps.append(output_path) else: output_path = ( self.output_dir / "{}-{}-{}-registered.geojson".format( self.project_name, set_name, attachment_modality, ) ) output_spacing_target = self.modalities[attachment_modality][ "image_res" ] self._transformed_shapes_spacings.update( {set_name: (output_spacing_target, output_spacing_target)} ) rs.save_shape_data(output_path, transformed=False) transformed_shapes_fps.append(output_path) return transformed_shapes_fps
def _transforms_to_txt( self, transformations: Dict[str, RegTransformSeq] ) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: tform_txt = dict() for k, v in transformations.items(): if k == "full-transform-seq": continue if "initial" in k: if v: for idx, rt in enumerate(v.reg_transforms): tform_txt.update( {f"{k}-{str(idx).zfill(2)}": rt.elastix_transform} ) else: tform_txt.update( {f"{k}": [rt.elastix_transform for rt in v.reg_transforms]} ) return tform_txt
[docs] def save_transformations(self): """ Save all transformations for a given modality as JSON """ if all( [reg_edge.get("registered") for reg_edge in self.reg_graph_edges] ): for key in self.reg_paths.keys(): final_modality = self.reg_paths[key][-1] output_path = ( self.output_dir / "{}-{}_to_{}_transformations.json".format( self.project_name, key, final_modality, ) ) tform_txt = self._transforms_to_txt(self.transformations[key]) with open(output_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(tform_txt, fp, indent=1) for ( modality, attachment_modality, ) in self.attachment_images.items(): if attachment_modality not in self._find_nonreg_modalities(): final_modality = self.reg_paths[attachment_modality][-1] output_path = ( self.output_dir / "{}-{}_to_{}_transformations.json".format( self.project_name, modality, final_modality, ) ) tform_txt = self._transforms_to_txt( self.transformations[key] ) with open(output_path, 'w') as fp: json.dump(tform_txt, fp, indent=4) else: warn( "registration has not been executed for the graph " "no transformations to save" )
[docs] def add_data_from_config(self, config_filepath): reg_config = parse_check_reg_config(config_filepath) if reg_config.get("modalities"): for key, val in reg_config["modalities"].items(): image_filepath = ( val.get("image_filepath") if val.get("image_filepath") is not None else val.get("image_filepath") ) preprocessing = ( "None" if val.get("preprocessing") is None else val.get("preprocessing") ) self.add_modality( key, image_filepath, image_res=val.get("image_res"), channel_names=val.get("channel_names"), channel_colors=val.get("channel_colors"), preprocessing=preprocessing, mask=val.get("mask"), output_res=val.get("output_res"), ) else: print("warning: config file did not contain any image modalities") if reg_config.get("reg_paths"): for key, val in reg_config["reg_paths"].items(): self.add_reg_path( val.get("src_modality_name"), val.get("tgt_modality_name"), val.get("thru_modality"), reg_params=val.get("reg_params"), override_prepro=val.get("override_prepro"), ) else: print( "warning: config file did not contain any registration paths" ) if reg_config.get("attachment_images"): for key, val in reg_config["attachment_images"].items(): self.add_attachment_images( val.get("attachment_modality"), key, val.get("image_filepath"), val.get("image_res"), channel_names=val.get("channel_names"), channel_colors=val.get("channel_colors"), ) if reg_config.get("attachment_shapes"): for key, val in reg_config["attachment_shapes"].items(): self.add_attachment_shapes( val.get("attachment_modality"), key, val.get("shape_files") ) if reg_config.get("reg_graph_edges"): self._reg_graph_edges = reg_config["reg_graph_edges"] if all([re.get("registered") for re in self.reg_graph_edges]): self.transformations = self.reg_graph_edges if reg_config.get("merge_modalities"): for mn, mm in reg_config["merge_modalities"].items(): self.add_merge_modalities(mn, mm)
[docs] def reset_registered_modality(self, modalities): edge_keys = [ r.get("modalities").get("source") for r in self.reg_graph_edges ] if isinstance(modalities, str): modalities = [modalities] for modality in modalities: modality_idx = edge_keys.index(modality) self.reg_graph_edges[modality_idx]["registered"] = False
def _remove_modality_data(self, modality: str) -> None: if modality in self.modality_names: # remove top level self.modalities.pop(modality) self.modality_names.pop(self.modality_names.index(modality)) to_rm = [] for merge_name, merge_mods in self.merge_modalities.items(): if modality in merge_mods: to_rm.append(merge_name) [self.merge_modalities.pop(k) for k in to_rm] self.n_modalities = len(self.modality_names) if modality in self.attachment_images.keys(): self.attachment_images.pop(modality) def _remove_reg_paths(self, modality: str) -> None: # remove registrations if modality in self.reg_paths.keys(): self.reg_paths.pop(modality) # remove any reg paths including modality as target or thru to_rm = [] for k, v in self.reg_paths.items(): if modality in v: to_rm.append(k) [self.reg_paths.pop(k) for k in to_rm] # remove any reg paths including modality as target or thru to_rm = [] for k, v in self.transform_paths.items(): for reg in v: if reg["source"] == modality or reg["target"] == modality: to_rm.append(k) to_rm = list(np.unique(to_rm)) edges_to_rm = [] for idx, edge in enumerate(self.reg_graph_edges): if ( edge["modalities"]["source"] in to_rm or edge["modalities"]["target"] in to_rm ): edges_to_rm.append(idx) [self.transform_paths.pop(k) for k in to_rm] for idx in sorted(edges_to_rm)[::-1]: self.reg_graph_edges.pop(idx) self.n_registrations = len(self._reg_graph_edges) def _remove_attachments(self, modality: str): to_rm = [] for k, v in self.attachment_images.items(): if modality == v: to_rm.append(k) [self.attachment_images.pop(k) for k in to_rm] [self.modalities.pop(k) for k in to_rm] [self.modality_names.pop(self.modality_names.index(k)) for k in to_rm] self.shape_sets.pop(modality) self.shape_set_names.pop(self.shape_set_names.index(modality)) self.n_modalities = len(self.modality_names)
[docs] def remove_merge_modality(self, merge_modality: str) -> None: try: self.merge_modalities.pop(merge_modality) except KeyError: warn(f"merge modality {merge_modality} not found")
[docs] def remove_modality(self, modality: str) -> None: if modality in self.modality_names: self._remove_modality_data(modality) self._remove_reg_paths(modality) elif modality in self.shape_set_names: self._remove_attachments(modality) else: warn( f"{modality} not found in modalities: {', '.join(self.modality_names)}" f" or shape sets {self.shape_set_names}. " "It may have already been removed" )
[docs] def wsireg_run( graph_configuration: Union[str, Path, WsiReg2D], write_images: bool = True, to_original_size: bool = False, transform_non_reg: bool = True, remove_merged: bool = True, file_writer: str = "ome.tiff", testing: bool = False, ): def config_to_WsiReg2D(config_filepath): reg_config = parse_check_reg_config(config_filepath) reg_graph = WsiReg2D( reg_config.get("project_name"), reg_config.get("output_dir"), reg_config.get("cache_images"), ) return reg_graph if isinstance(graph_configuration, (str, Path)): reg_graph = config_to_WsiReg2D(graph_configuration) reg_graph.add_data_from_config(graph_configuration) elif isinstance(graph_configuration, WsiReg2D): reg_graph = graph_configuration if testing: temp_dir = str(tempfile.mkdtemp()) reg_graph.setup_project_output(reg_graph.project_name, temp_dir) reg_graph.register_images() reg_graph.save_transformations() output_data = [] if write_images: output_images = reg_graph.transform_images( file_writer=file_writer, to_original_size=to_original_size, transform_non_reg=transform_non_reg, remove_merged=remove_merged, ) else: output_images = [] if reg_graph.shape_sets: output_shapes = reg_graph.transform_shapes() else: output_shapes = [] output_data.extend(output_images) output_data.extend(output_shapes) if testing: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return output_data
[docs] def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Load Whole Slide Image 2D Registration Graph from configuration file' ) parser.add_argument( "config_filepath", metavar="C", type=str, help="full filepath for .yaml configuration file", ) parser.add_argument( "--fw", type=str, help="how to write output registered images: ome.tiff, ome.zarr (default: ome.tiff)", ) parser.add_argument('--write_im', dest='write_im', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--no_write_im', dest='write_im', action='store_false') parser.add_argument( '--remove_merged', dest='remove_merged', action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( '--write_merge_indiv', dest='remove_merged', action='store_false' ) parser.add_argument( '--tform_non_reg', dest='transform_non_reg', action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( '--no_tform_non_reg', dest='transform_non_reg', action='store_false' ) parser.add_argument( '--to_orig_size', dest='to_original_size', action='store_true' ) parser.add_argument( '--to_cropped', dest='to_original_size', action='store_false' ) parser.add_argument('--testing', dest='testing', action='store_true') parser.set_defaults( write_im=True, remove_merged=True, transform_non_reg=True, to_original_size=False, testing=False, ) args = parser.parse_args() config_filepath = args.config_filepath if args.fw is None: file_writer = "ome.tiff" else: file_writer = args.fw wsireg_run( config_filepath, write_images=args.write_im, to_original_size=args.to_original_size, transform_non_reg=args.transform_non_reg, remove_merged=args.remove_merged, file_writer=file_writer, testing=args.testing, )
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys sys.exit(main())